Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Prelim Task - Post 2 - Storyboard Drawing, Shot Sizes and Framing

Section A:

The picture above is my storyboard of different shot sizes, depicting the use of headroom and space around the person for movement.

Section B:

The images below are my examples of the different shots shown in the storyboard. Each states the shot size underneath.

ECU (Extreme close up)
CU (Close Up

MS (Medium Shot)

MCU (Medium Close Up)

3/4 Shot

MLS (Medium Long Shot)
LS (Long Shot)

Rule of Thirds:

This photography rule is one of the most basic, imaginary lines are drawn dividing the image into thirds both horizontally and vertically, this creates boxes and lines in which certain parts of the face or body should lie. For example, in the first row, there is the 'eye line', where the eyes sit. This sets the framing of the image.

Link to a photography website, which explains this rule - http://www.silverlight.co.uk/tutorials/compose_expose/thirds.html

These two pictures below are examples of the 'Rule of Thirds'. The first picture is one which breaks the rule and the second is one that fits to the rule.

This image breaks the rules, the figure is in the direct middle of the image, and its not set on the imaginary lines the rule involves. This removes the depth to the image, thus making the image look cut off.
This image follows the rule, as the figure is not in the middle of the image, rather, it is in a position which allows the figure to appear as if it is looking out somewhere, creating depth to the image.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. I like your idea of using the toy to illustrate the rule of thirds. Good welinks used.
